Hello! Welcome to my Film and Screen Media blog! I am Oscar and I hope you enjoy my thoughts on these films.

  • Miss Representation

    5th Dec 2019 by

    The documentary ‘Miss Representation’ was born of Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s anxiety in relation to the world she lives and grew up in and how that world would treat and shape the person her daughter would come to be, inspired by Newsom’s own struggles growing up in the entertainment industry.  One of the most interesting aspects of… Read more

  • The Internet’s Own Boy

    5th Dec 2019 by

    Aaron Swartz was arguably the very first ‘hacktivist’, someone who would use their knowledge of hacking and computers in order to promote political or social change. Swartz perfectly embodies the hacktivist persona in that he believed wholeheartedly in the greater good. Swartz believed in the freedom of information and that the current collegiate system of… Read more

  • Citizenfour

    20th Nov 2019 by

    “Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” – Edward Snowden According to Wikipedia, the practice of state surveillance in America dates back to the first world war in which… Read more

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